Varietal Manager

Creation, selection, development of varietals & commercialization of orchards

To develop the best development and promotion

To secure your
orchard investment
and customer satisfaction
Creation, selection, development of varietals & commercialization of orchards
To develop the best development and promotion
To secure your
orchard investment
and customer satisfaction
BEE anticipates the needs of major fruit producers around the world to participate in their development strategy by supplying modern fruit varieties.
Today, and more than ever tomorrow, crop varieties and systems must be environmentally friendly, adapted to the constraints of an industrializing market while providing great nutrition and taste.
This is what BEE and its partners are working to achieve through its varietal selection programs.
With over 20 years’ experience
I am proud to be a varietal developer,
which requires continuous technical improvement to deliver a quality service at all levels: selecting varietals, supplying plants, orchardry and marketing.